Events - Page 13

Time and place: , Zoom /Kelvin (V317), Fysikkbygningen

Louison Thorens will defend his thesis Unstable drainage of frictional fluids and magnetic control of the mechanical behavior of confined granular media for the double degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Docteur en Physique de l'Université de Lyon.

Time and place: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Ingrid Vazquez-Holm, NORDITA/Uppsala

Weekly Theory Seminar.

Time and place: , Grand Bergen

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the first Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium Conference (NORA) Annual Conference, which will take place at Grand Bergen, November 17th and 18th, 2021!

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Njord Seminar with Camilla Cattania (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): How do earthquakes begin? Numerical and theoretical insights into the nucleation processes of small and large earthquakes

Time and place: , Oslo Science Park/Forskningsparken

What is the value that you have created in your work and what strategy should you choose to manage your intellectual property rights (IPR)? In this workshop we want to make you aware of your own values and IPR and give you the tools to get started on designing an IPR strategy and landscaping your field. The aim is to get you to take ownership of your processes and values.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! The UiO:Energy funded SPATUS project aims to understand the spate-temporal uncertainty of renewables so as to plan weather and climate-resilient future energy systems. Prof. Fred Espen Benth and Marianne Zeyringer will be giving an introduction into the topic.

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Jordi Bolibar (Utrecht University): Towards interpretable, physics-informed machine learning models for glacier evolution

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

As part of the series "What goes on in data science at UiO", Co-Director Ingrid Glad will explain what BigInsight, center for research-based innovation, is doing.

Time and place: , Oslo Kongressenter

The first Nordic Conference for Young AI researchers! Join us for a conference with a lineup full of the world’s brightest minds in the field of AI to learn, inspire each other, share ideas and build a community.

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Anna Rogowitz (University of Vienna): Transforming a gabbro into an eclogite without fracturing - A tale of opening and closing fluid pathways

Time and place: , Peisestua (rom 304), Svein Rosselands hus

Sondre Vik Furuseth, Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, UiO.

Time and place: , dScience Lounge Area

Klas Pettersen, CEO of NORA, will show how NORA has organized the AI innovation ecosystem NORA.startup and the plans to build a national research school within AI, machine learning and robotics.

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Martijn van den Ende (Université Côte d'Azur): Earthquakes, fibre-optic cables, and a zebra: intelligent solutions for tomorrow's seismology

Time and place: , Origo and zoom

Senior Engineer Sigrid Rønneberg, Justervesenet (The Norwegian Metrology Service)

Time and place: , The Science Library

Welcome to our kickoff event in a series of monthly lunch seminars! Grab some lunch and join us for a talk by Luca Galimberti from NTNU, followed by an introduction to dScience by centre leader Morten Dæhlen.

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Julien Scheibert (École Centrale Lyon): Towards the design of contact interfaces with a specified friction law

Time and place: , Zoom / Lille Fysiske auditorium (V232), Fysikkbygningen

Odd Petter Sand will defend his thesis Integrating Computing with Mathematics and Science Education: Case Studies of Student Understanding and Teaching design for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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Mathijs Janssen (University of Oslo): Electrolyte relaxation near electrified surfaces—from flat plates to nanoporous supercapacitors

Time and place: , Origo, The Physics Building

By Professor Michele K. Dougherty

Department of Physics, the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaards hus, Store auditorium

We invite you to an informative webinar on Digital Resources at dScience.

Time and place: , Zoom / Origo, Fysikkbygningen

Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen will defend his thesis Plasma Irregularity Dissipation in the F-Region Ionosphere. Making Sense of the Decay and Subsequent Lifetimes of Turbulent Plasma Structures in the Ionosphere for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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Chris MacMinn (University of Oxford): Fluid-fluid phase separation in a soft porous medium

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Luke Zoet (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Investigating subglacial processes through seismicity and experimentation

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Eric Larose (Université Grenoble Alpes): Environmental seismology : an emerging tool for probing slopes stability, rockfalls, and the evolution of the permafrost.

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Renaud Toussaint (Université de Strasbourg/University of Oslo): Induced seismicity under Strasbourg: Possible mechanisms