Zhang Changfan - China

Zhang Changfan is a graduate of the China Academy of Engineering Physics (Masters of Science in Nuclear Technology Application, 2010) and of Tsinghua University (Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, 2007).

ZHANG Changfan

In her Master’s thesis, she studied template measurement for plutonium pit. Since 2010, she works as a technical staff at the China Academy of Engineering Physics and her work focuses on the investigation of the technology of neutron multiplicity for uranium verification.


She was a 2011 visiting scholar to the Technical Nonproliferation and Disarmament Project of the United Kingdom – Norway Initiative that was hosted at the Norwegian Radiation protection Authority and the Center for Accelerator-based Research and Energy Physics. In her role, besides receiving special training in nuclear technology at the University of Oslo, she researched on the least-squares method toward developing an algorithm for studying plutonium isotopic ratio in the Information Barrier system. Her study supports the use of least-squares method as a feasible and meaningful technique in information barrier system. Towards the end of her scholarship, she participated in the first International Student Simulation on the development of a Nuclear Warhead Dismantlement Verification Model for Civilian Education and Outreach Purposes. In her role, she advised “policy strategist” and “negotiators” on technical issues that had a direct bearing on the negotiation.

Published Apr. 16, 2012 1:59 PM