The physical student union (FFU) is pleased to invite you to attend our meeting.

At this meeting we will elect new members to the Board of the Physical Committee, as well as representatives of the Institute Board and the program boards for the FA / FAM, ELDAT / ELITE and Physics Master. Of course, we also serve pizza and soft drinks. This evening there is no reason to stay home!

Date: Thursday 06.09.2018

Time: 16:15

Place: Kristan Birkelands Auditorium (Ø157)
At this meeting, all students at the Institute of Physical Education, UiO, have the right to vote.

Furthermore, members of the FFU must attend the constituent meeting immediately after the meeting.

As a member of the FFU, you have the opportunity to influence the study day at the Department of Physical Sciences, and use the Lillefysisk study hall (Lillefy). We want dedicated students who will do something for the student and academic environment at UiO.

Draft agenda:

1. Approval of the notice

2. Approval of the agenda

3. Election of the referent

4. Election of chairman

5. Election of two people to sign the meeting report

6. Orientation
a) Semester report
b) Members spring 2018
c) Internal committees spring 2018
d) External committees and committees spring 2018
e) Economy

7. Election of the Board of Directors to the Physical Committee
a) Leader
b) Deputy Director
c) Secretary

8. Election of other members to the physical student union

9. Election of representatives to the board of directors
a) Female representatives - one deputy representative (one year)
b) Male Representatives -one principal and one deputy representative (one year)

10. Election of representatives to the program councils for:
a) ELITE - One principal and one deputy representative (one year)
b) FA - One principal and one deputy representative (one year)
c) Physics Master - One principal and one deputy representative (one year)

11. Registration of representatives and new members

12. Miscellaneous

Facebook event:

Read more about physical student union at

Read more about the various positions at

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Regards from all of us in the physical student union


Fysisk Fagutvalg
Emneord: Allmøte, Pizza, Fysikk, FA, ELITE, Fysikk Master
Publisert 24. aug. 2018 11:06 - Sist endret 29. okt. 2018 11:31