Project Partners

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1. University of Oslo (UiO), Department of geosciences
a) Jon Ove Hagen (j.o.m.hagen, professor. Coordinator of the Norwegian Glaciodyn project and co-leader of the international Glaciodyn IPY project.

b) Andreas Kääb (andreas.kää, professor. Remote sensing specialist, Dynamics- Interferometry, Geometry -Elevation models, GLIMS/ASTER

c) Svein-Erik Hamran (, professor, GPR-specialist.

d) Thomas V. Schuler (, researcher, Mass balance modeling, glacier hydrology/hydrological models, coupling to dynamic models.

e) Trond Eiken (, geodesist, GPS-specialist, ground control, geometry and dynamics

f) Geir Moholdt (, PhD-student. geodesist, geometry and elevation changes of Austfonna.

g) Thorben Dunse (, PhD-student. Radar, dynamics and modelling of Austfonna

h) Christopher Nuth (, PhD-student. Geomatics, geometry, elevation changes, mass balance, and dynamics. Holtedahlfonna.

i) Nora Jennifer Schneevoigt (, PhD-student. Remote Sensing. Combining optical and Sar data

2. Norwegian Polar Institute (NP)

a) Jack Kohler (, researcher, Glaciology, mass balance, radar, and dynamics.

b) Ola Brandt (, PostDoc- Glaciology, mass balance, radar, and firn-SI process

3. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)

a)Liss Marie Andreassen (,researcher, glacier hydrology, mass balance and modeling 

b)Miriam Jackson (, researcher, mass balance modelling, remote sensing

c) Rune Engeset (,researcher, mass balance modelling, remote sensing.

d)Hallgeir Elverhøy (, researcher, mass balance

4. University of Svalbard (UNIS)
a) Doug Benn (, professor, calving processes, field and modeling studies.

b) Carl Egede Bøggild (,ass. professor, refreezing and superimposed ice field and modeling

c) Monica Sund (, PhD student, Geodesy and photogrammetry, Surging and calving processes.

5. The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)
a)Cecilie Rolstad (, ass. professor; remote sensing, interferometry/dynamics, temperature modeling.

b) Anne Chapuis (, Phd student, Remote Sensing, calving processes, and dynamical modelling

5. Norut-IT Tromsø
a)Rune Storvold (,  researcher, operating and processing UAV.

b)Kjell-Arild Høgda (, researcher, operating and processing UAV.

c)Florian Kindl (, PhD student, operating and processing UAV.

6. International Partners (click here)



Published May 31, 2010 3:58 PM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2011 10:15 AM