Modelling and Mapping of Potential Vegetation Regeneration Areas in the Blue Nile Area, Eastern Sudan

Map of the Sudan and the study area. The area is divided into two scales: 1) ASTER (60 x 60) km2 for detailed classification and 2) MODIS (180 x 180) km2 for up scaling and generalizing the results.

About the project

In arid regions, the regeneration of vegetation is determined by both natural and human factors, which in turn are co-related. The spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture as determined by climate variability and physical characteristics of the region is the major natural factor. Soil water plays a key role in the transfer of energy and mass between land surfaces and the atmosphere, rivers, and aquifers. The spatial and temporal distribution of soil water is a critical part for many disciplines including agriculture, forest ecology, hydroclimatology, civil engineering, water resources, and ecosystem modelling. The research project focuses on how the natural variability of soil moisture has affected in the past, and continue to affect soil erosion and vegetation regeneration in the Blue Nile area, Sudan (Figure).

The project is financied by Norewigan Research Council (NFR)

The project periode is from 2006.08.01 to 2011.06.30.


The main objective of this research work is to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of soilwater as fundamental factors for vegetation regeneration in arid ecosystems. The objective shallbe achieved through:

  1. Better understanding of the implications of satellite determined soil erosionon soil degradation in the region.
  2. Better understanding of the implications of satellite determinedevapotranspiration on soil moisture
  3. Better understanding of the implications of the spatial andtemporal variability of soil moisture in the region


The project is carried out by Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo in cooperation with Deaprtment of Hydrology in arid regions, University of Khartoum, Sudan, and Department of  Geography, University of Bergen.

Published Feb. 21, 2011 3:23 PM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2022 10:30 AM



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