RT3/4 - Matter-Field Interactions

The goal is to develop high-accuracy quantum dynamics methods to simulate ultrafast laser-driven processes in molecules and periodic magnetic systems, and theory and methods for strong-field chemistry and simulations of spectra from magnetic white dwarf stars.

Illustration of the research by RT3/4.

The interaction of matter with electromagnetic fields is one of the most important tools for unravelling the structure and properties of molecules and solids. Recent advances in laser technology allow us to follow electronic motion at its natural time scale with ultra-fast pulses, leading the way towards attosecond spectroscopic experiments of extreme precision.  While time-dependent laser fields drive systems out of equilibrium, strong static magnetic fields also give rise to new exotic chemistry and physics.

Such effects are important for understanding the spectra from small molecules in the strong fields around magnetic white dwarfs. They also serve as a challenging testing ground for development of current-density-functional methods for conventional magnetic properties.

In RT3/4, we plan to:

  • Extend the HyQD and ReSpect codes to assist in the simulation and understanding of fundamental attosecond experiments from first principles.
  • Develop new computational approaches that enable prediction of phenomenological model parameters for magnetic topological materials.
  • Apply and develop computational methods to explore exotic strong field chemistry, to unravel novel dynamical effects of magnetic fields, and to develop current density-functional theory for magnetic properties.
Image may contain: Eyebrow, Jaw, Neck, Gesture, Font.

Erik Tellgren 

Image may contain: Eyebrow, Jaw, Neck, Gesture, Font.

Mical Repisky 