

Time and place: , Scandic Oslo Airport, Gardemoen

As part of the Swiss-Norwegian Beamline (SNBL) collaboration, prof. Helmer Fjellvåg (head of NAFUMA group), together with prof. Bjørn C.Hauback (head of department @ IFE), prof. Gervais Chapuis (EPFL) and dr. Vladimir Dmitriev (Project director @ SNBL/ESRF) organized a rich two-days workshop on Synchrotron and FEL based Research.

Time and place: , Gardemoen

This year NAFUMA Group organized the 6th edition of the National Meeting on Inorganic and Materials Chemistry.

Scientists from various Norwegian Institutes (UiO, UiB, NTNU, IFE, SINTEF etc..) joined this two days-meeting with lots of interaction, discussion and enthusiasm.