Disputation: Henrik Vinther Sørensen

MSc. Henrik Vinther Sørensen at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending his thesis «Of Shellfish and Men: Applying X-ray and neutron techniques to investigate surface-active bacterial colonization factors» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Bildet av kandidaten.


Due to the ongoing Pandemic, the Disputation will be held digital using Zoom. The Chair of Defence will lead the Disputation and the Defence technician will solve technical issues.

Ex auditorio questions: The Chair of Defence will invite the audience to ex auditorio questions. These can be asked orally, by clicking "Participants - Raise hand" in the Zoom menu. The Zoom-host will grant you to speak in the meeting. 

Join the Disputation

Order the Dissertation as PDF from this email address. Please add name of Candidate: a.c.gartner@kjemi.uio.no

Trial lecture

24th. of June 2021 at 10.30 PM, Zoom

Title: "Potential and pitfalls of eukaryotic expression systems for the production of fully deuterated proteins”

Join the Trial lecture

Conferral summary

En rekke patogene bakterier bruker sukkerbindende enzymer til å overleve i naturen og til å infisere mennesker. Ved hjelp av røntgen- og nøytronstråler har Henrik Vinther Sørensen avslørt detaljer om enzymenes strukturer og deres sukkerbindende egenskaper.

Main research findings

Bacteria responsible for diseases such as cholera and pneumonia form biofilms for surviving in the environment and inside their human hosts. The process involves enzymes that target sugars, providing the bacteria with nutrients. An in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of these enzymes can potentially lead to new vaccines, but also new means to convert complex sugars to clean energy sources. We used X-ray and neutron scattering methods to elucidate how these enzymes bind to chitin in the environment and how they degrade it. The work reveals new insight into the structures and mechanisms of the enzymes and how the bacteria use them to survive and thrive in the environment and inside humans.


Published June 9, 2021 10:40 AM - Last modified June 9, 2021 2:03 PM