Who we are, part II

Short introduction about the QOMBINE members


I come from France and pursued a higher education in Switzerland, where I graduated from EPF Lausanne with an MSc in physics in 2022. During my studies, I focused on quantum computing and worked on projects involving variational quantum algorithms for NISQ devices. At QOMBINE, my research topic has shifted to quantum error correction and involves searching for methods to make quantum algorithms more resistant to noise, using insights from both physics and mathematics.
That said, my true passion is video games.

Delphine Martres at Department of Physics


I'm from Rome and I have a MSc in pure Mathematics. I wrote my master thesis in the field of Operator Algebras and QFT under the supervision of Gerardo Morsella.

I joined the QOMBINE group very recently, but I'm really exited to be here!

I'm now a PhD student under the supervision of Alexander Mueller-Hermes and Makoto Yamashita as co-supervisor.

Along with Maths, I'm a dancer (also a dance teacher), a gym trainer/step&aerobics choreographer and I'm addicted to crime books.

Francesca La Piana at Department of Mathematics

Tags: qombine By Francesca La Piana, Delphine Martres
Published Feb. 23, 2023 2:58 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2023 3:02 PM
Blog from QOMBINE, an interdisciplinary project.