Tools used in the papers "Random Vandermonde Matrices, Part I and II"

Common methods

Computation of the first mixed moments of Vandermonde matrices and another matrix. vandermonconv.m

Matlab simulations used in part I

Program running all the simulations of the paper: part1sims.m
Figure 1 and 2: part1vsim1.m
Figure 3: part1gsim1.m
Figure 4,5, and 6: part1vsim2.m
Figure 7 and 8: part1gsim2.m

Matlab simulations used in part II

Program running all the simulations of the paper: part2sims.m
Figure 2: part2vsim2.m
Figure 3: part2sim2pathssin.m
Figure 4: part2sim2paths.m
Figure 5a: part2sim2powersin.m
Figure 5b: part2sim2power.m
Figure 6: part2sim2b.m
Figure 7: plotneededsamplesuniform.m
Figure 8: part2sim3bsigma.m
Figure 9: part2sim3bl.m
Figure 11 and 12a): plotgaussianvandermonde.m
Figure 12b): plotvandermonde2.m
Figure 12c): plotvandermonde3.m
Figure 13: plotneededsamplesgaussian.m
Figure 14 and 15: part2simsamplingdistribution.m