Njord Seminar with talks by Joanna Dziadkowiec and Fabian Barras

Njord Seminar with talks by

Joanna Dziadkowiec (University of Oslo): "Mineral growth in confinement - experiments in surface forces apparatus"


Fabian Barras (University of Oslo): "Cracks in the code"


Joanna Dziadkowiec (University of Oslo): "Mineral growth in confinement - experiments in surface forces apparatus"


In natural environments, minerals most often grow in confined pore spaces. The restricted volumes have major consequences on crystal growth, including stabilization of metastable polymorphs or modified crystal morphologies. Some effects of confinement are, however, more ambiguous: crystal growth can be both promoted and inhibited depending on the environment. This is related to the large areas of the solid/liquid interfaces present. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of experiments on mineral growth in confinement in the electrochemical surface forces apparatus. I follow electrochemically-induced precipitation of calcite as in a wedge-shaped geometry a function of a separation distance. The results show a few district crystallization patterns depending on the distance between the confining walls.


Fabian Barras (University of Oslo): "Cracks in the code"


Whereas a compelling body of scientific (and artistic) works has shown that there is a crack in everything, simulating the growth of fractures with computer models remains laborious. In this talk, I will present one approach to simulate the dynamic propagation of cracks in solids and will illustrate it with recent experiments conducted within the project "Break-Through Rocks".

At the end of the talk, the participants should hopefully be left with a bit of the schizophrenic feeling that results from the quest of a flawless model for simulating defects. (Safety glasses will be provided to the participants.)


You will find the complete schedule for Njord Seminar Series spring '22 here.

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Published May 4, 2022 2:57 PM - Last modified May 5, 2022 9:38 AM