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Høydepunkt i magasinet "American Astronomical Society Nova"

En ny forskingsartikkel av Souvik Bose publisert i "The Astrophysical Journal" har blitt valgt ut som høydepunkt i "American Astronomical Society Nova"

Sample of full-disk images of the Sun observed on 21.04.2012 00:00:00 UTC by SDO/AIA at 1600 and 4500 Å and a corresponding SDO/HMI magnetogram with the contours of the identified features overlaid on them.

Stipendiat Souvik Bose ved RoCS og K. Nagaraju ved Indian Institute of Astrophysics har nylig publisert en forskingsartikkel med tittelen "On the Variability of the Solar Mean Magnetic Field: Contributions from Various Magnetic Features on the Surface of the Sun".

Les artikkel i "The Astrophysical Journal" her.

Artikkelen er valgt ut som høydepunkt i "American Astronomical Society Nova" for sine interessante funn.

Ta en titt  her.

Emneord: Solfysikk, Solflekker Av Martina D'Angelo
Publisert 6. aug. 2018 12:15 - Sist endret 8. aug. 2022 11:06