Innovation driven education and science in modern photovoltaics via Norwegian-Chinese collaboration (IDEAS) (completed)

The aim of the IDEAS consortium is to develop long-term relations between the Norwegian photovoltaic (PV) community and strong internationally recognized partners in China, becoming recently an arena for remarkable acceleration of PV industries encouraging more efforts on PV research and education.

About the project

 In order to explore collaboration, we identify ambitions but realistic objectives that are divided into educational, research and innovation issues, however, ultimately linked together for their successful implementation. Specifically, in average 30 MSc and 20 PhD students per year (in total on Norwegian and Chinese sites) will benefit from taking specific on-site short courses given by professors travelling in both directions covering both technical and entrepreneurship issues . Further, we plan for MSc and PhD student travelling in both directions too for taking experimental courses. In order to reduce the cost, all distant travelling to courses given in Norway/China will be synchronized with the rest of the IDEAS activities, for example research training visits, annual workshop participation, staff exchange etc. In terms we target to go beyond state of the art in (i) pushing Si-based solar cell technology toward its ultimate performance and (ii) exploring new semiconductors and nanostructures for PV devices. The ultimate target is to prepare for the results uptake and moving the effort toward innovations providing foundation for a long term operation well beyond the first 3 years. Presently we may foresee similar (or even increased) volume of the project for the second step (2015-2020) of operation.


The main objective is to facilitate the development of long-term relations between the Norwegian photovoltaic (PV) community - represented by UiO and IFE - and strong internationally recognized partners in China - at the hosts of Institutes of Physics and Electrical Engineering of Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing. As a result of two recently accomplished pre-projects we focus on

  1. innovations pushing Si-based technology toward its ultimate performance
  2. exploring new semiconductors and nanostructures helping to overcome conventional technology efficiency/cost limits

Moreover,we extend the concept of innovation driven efforts beyond pure R&D, targeting training of students - at MSc and PhD levels - capable of doing innovations. As a whole, our collaboration will strengthen Norway's capacity as a leading research nation in strategically important fields of renewable energy.


The Research Council of Norway


Published Jan. 31, 2013 9:56 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:00 PM


Project leader: Andrej Kuznetsov


  • Andrej Kuznetsov University of Oslo
  • Yaoping Liu University of Oslo
  • Xiaolong Du
  • Yan Wang
Detailed list of participants