Disputas: Naveen Goud Ganagona

Master of Electrical Engineering Naveen Goud Ganagona ved Fysisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: "Electrical characterization of impurity-defect complexes in silicon"


Naveen Goud Ganagona

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Professor Emeritus Eivind Osnes, Universitetet i Oslo



I denne avhandlingen har vi undersøkt elektrisk aktive punktdefekter i silisium. Slike punktdefekter er viktige i silisium-baserte komponenter som f.eks. solceller. Spesielt er det studert defekter relatert til oksygen og karbon, de to mest vanlige urenhetene i silisium-baserte komponenter, og deres termiske utvikling og interaksjon med intrinsiske defekter.


This thesis is devoted to study the thermal evolution of electrically active impurity-defect complexes in silicon that are important for silicon based devices. Oxygen and carbon are the most common and important impurities which are introduced during the material growth of silicon. Many types of defects arise as a result of the interaction between impurities and different grown-in defects such as interstitials and vacancies.

In this work, there is a particular emphasis on understanding the annealing and formation kinetics of multivacancy-oxygen complexes (V2-V2O and V3-V3O). In particular, diffusion of mechanism of di-vacancy which is fundamentally important defect in silicon. The results of this thesis have also contributed to better understanding the behavior of carbon-oxygen related defects. In this context, we have contributed to the identification of carbon-dioxygen (CiO2i). In addition, a preliminary study on vacancy-hydrogen related defects is reported.     

Thesis topic is in the field of semiconductor physics, and is performed by Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oslo.



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Publisert 8. juni 2015 10:19 - Sist endret 29. okt. 2018 11:22