Fredagskollokvium: Penumbral Microjets - perhaps small fish in a very large pond of plasma, but even the smallest fish can tell us something about the fiery pond they live in.

Ainar Drews, PhD , ITA

During this talk I will try to impart some insight into what has been termed 
Penumbral Microjets (PMJs). These objects are small-scale chromospheric jets
in the penumbra of sunspots and are thought to be caused by magnetic 
reconnection, an exciting physical process that has garnered much attention 
lately, albeit usually at larger solar scales. 

I will be covering the background of PMJs, as well as my own research which 
is primarily based on the more practical automatic detections and subsequent 
studies of PMJs in high resolution observations from the Swedish 1-m Solar 
Telescope. Pretty pictures guaranteed.  
Publisert 27. nov. 2015 11:22 - Sist endret 1. mai 2016 22:24