Fredagskollokvium: Baryogenesis, dark matter and UV-complete extensions of the Standard Model

Kimmo Kainulainen, University of Jyvaskyla

The measured Higgs mass value 125 GeV suggests that the standard model of particle physics may be 
a UV-complete theory all the way up to Planck scale. This suggests that we may have to re-evaluate 
some long-standing theoretical concepts such as the gauge unification and the hierarchy problem. 
However, the questions of the nature of the dark matter, dark energy and of the origin of the baryon 
asymmetry remain unsolved in the SM. An obvious questino then is, can we solve these problems and 
still maintain UV-completeness in (simple) extensios of the SM (without complex constructs such as 
supersymmetry or technicolor)?  

I will discuss the DM and baryogenesis problems in a bottom up approach in the context of scalar 
extensions of the SM. Baryogenesis in these models occurs at electroweak phase transition and so I 
will give a brief, qualitative overview of the electroweak baryogenesis mechanism. I will argue that 
by far the worst problem for this model building scheme is providing sufficient charge-parity 
violation.  A possible way out is to combine the two, such that the CP-violation comes from Dark 
sector and may involve the DM particle directly.

Publisert 14. sep. 2016 22:15 - Sist endret 30. jan. 2017 15:11