Fredagskollokvium: Tracing the Cosmic Shutdown of Star Formation in Massive Galaxies

Kate Whitaker, Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut


Over the last few decades, astronomers have progressed from archeological studies of nearby galaxies to direct observations of the early universe.  We have uncovered billions of years of cosmic growth that present new challenges to galaxy formation theories.  In this talk, I will review the recent innovative techniques developed to probe the distant universe, and the key observations constraining the formation histories of galaxies over the past 11 billion years. We have discovered a population of surprisingly compact and massive “red and dead” (quiescent) galaxies that are no longer actively forming stars. The physical mechanisms responsible for shutting down star formation and the subsequent buildup of this quiescent population at such early times is one of the most outstanding questions in astrophysics today.  I will present promising paths forward towards solving this puzzle that leverage strong gravitational lensing and the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as a look toward the future with exciting upcoming public facilities.

Publisert 25. juni 2018 11:39 - Sist endret 29. juni 2018 08:00