Creationism in America

Speaker: PZ Myers

PZ Myers, biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, USA, is the author of the blog Pharyngula. His frequent posts on evolution, religion, Intelligent Design and a wide range of other topics have made his blog widely popular, and in 2006 the science journal Nature listed it as the top-ranking blog written by a scientist. Myers regularly contributes to the debate on how scientists should communicate science and interact with the general public. Now you have the chance to experience his way of doing it live!

Title of the lecture
Creationism in America

The creationist movement in the USA has been the product of several factors: the frustration of believers at the exclusion of sectarian myths from the public schools, an ongoing reaction against modernity, an unwarranted deference to religious belief, and the excessive surrender of public education to entirely local control, which makes them vulnerable to special interest groups, like the religious right. In particular, the mingling of patriotism with religiosity that was fueled by the Cold War as an easy signifier of anti-Communism has now led to a virtual jihad against secularism in American culture. I'll be discussing this history, and also describing recent progress that gives us some hope for a return to rationality in our national mindset…and I'll be proposing that an active anti-religious counter-movement is essential to protecting science and science education.
- PZ Myers


NB: Studentenes Skeptikerlag will organise a social event open for all with PZ Myers after the lecture. This will be held in Frognerparken/Vigelandsparken - bring your own food.

Published Feb. 6, 2012 1:20 PM - Last modified May 25, 2012 10:32 AM