"Charles Darwin for full musikk!": A Darwin Day vorspiel

Music and popular science. Hosts: Åse Kleveland and Nils Chr. Stenseth. Tickets sold at the door for 100 NOK (NB: Cash only).

What does Darwin has to do with music? Find out at this event with featuring an impressive list of artists and speakers.

Prof. Henkjan Honing on 'What makes us musical animals' (abstract)
Prof. Jon Roar Bjørkvold
Tuva Syvertsen
Knut Reiersrud
Kouame Sereba
Strykekvartetten "Nameless"

Tickets sold at the door for 100 NOK (NB: Cash only). Limited number of seats. Honing's lecture will be held in English, but most of the program will be held in Norwegian.

Organised together with The Norwegian Humanist Association (Human-Etisk Forbund) and supported by The Fritt Ord Foundation.

Published Nov. 27, 2012 11:35 AM - Last modified Mar. 8, 2021 1:54 PM