PharmaSafe COVID-19 projects

We are involved in several international research project focusing on treatment of COVID-19, and medication use. In many of these projects we capitalize on our access to Norwegian health care registries.

Angela Lupattelli and Hedvig Nordeng

Researcher Angela Lupattelli and Professor Hedvig Nordeng, PharmaSafe

The current projects are:

Finalized projects:

On this webpage, we will post the most recent updates from these studies. Please contact professor Hedvig Nordeng, email: if you are interested in more information about these projects.


How does COVID-19 vaccination affect developing long COVID symptoms?

PharmaSafe Research Group Contributes to Research on COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness in Preventing Long COVID

What do we know about COVID-19 in pregnancy? And how has the pandemic impacted pregnancy and breast feeding women?

Prof. Hedvig Nordeng discussed this with Elise Koppang Frøjd who is pregnant in a special COVID-19.

Universitetsplassen Podcast (in Norwegian).


Image may contain: Vision care, Eyewear, Window, Sleeve, Flash photography.

Photo: Colourbox

Filling the knowledge gap: Which medications are used to treat COVID-19 in pregnancy?


Prof. Nordeng is interviewed in Titan regarding COVID-19 research projects, use of health care registries across Europe and the need for knowledge on special populations like. (in Norwegian)


Image may contain: Top, Hair, Hand, Hairstyle, Arm.

Two new COVID-19 articles published!

European collaboration is essential to increase information about the impact of the pandemic for pregnant and breast feeding women. In these two articles we focus on mental health and vaccine willingness.


Image may contain: Glasses, Forehead, Hair, Nose, Glasses.

Debate article in by Nordeng  & Ystrøm!

What is the evidence for excluding partners from childbirth during the pandemic when the mother and father are one cohort?


Image may contain: Light, Product, Automotive tire, Organism, Font.

Impact Breakfast 27.01.2021 – Covid-19 special edition

Hedvig Nordeng will be presenting at the livestreamed Impact Breakfast event.

Hedvig Nordeng will be one of seven scientists looking into Covid-19, contributing with the speech “COVID-19: Surveillance of medications safety – capitalizing on Norwegian registry data to answer global question”

Hedvig will look at how medications impact the course of COVID-19, how can we determine which medications are safe and effective using real-world data and how to ensure adequate monitoring of adverse drug reactions when the COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out.


Selected citations from women in our studies

"The fact that dad cannot be present during delivery has worried me for a long time. Not being able to be together with my family has been awful. I have at risk family member and I was afraid to infect them, and they have been afraid to be near me because I am pregnant. I hope things calm down soon."

"A few years back I struggled with anxiety. This has flared up again and I have had to seek help from a psychologist."

"I have many concerns about childbirth, afraid of being infected when I’m outdoors. It’s tough not knowing how the disease can affect me and my unborn child. There is little information about COVID-19 for pregnant women."

"My partner was not allowed to accompany me to the midwife or to my specialist check-ups. He has been greatly affected by this. The fact that he might not be able to be present during childbirth puts a great damper to this experience. And we are scared. We fear that it will affect our relationship and our relationship with our baby."

Published Aug. 3, 2020 2:17 PM - Last modified Apr. 30, 2024 9:32 AM