Disputas: Humayra Ferdous

Master of Science Humayra Ferdous ved Fysisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: "Study of Changes in Lung Transfer Impedance due to Ventilation Using Focused Impedance Measurement (FIM) Technique"


Humayra Ferdous

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Professor Clas Persson, Universitetet i Oslo



Humayra Ferdous fra Bangladesh har utviklet et lavkost-instrument for å detektere lungesykdom i utviklingsland. Metoden er basert på måling av elektrisk motstand mot vekselstrøm og Ferdous har bl.a. sett på hvordan slike målinger kan fokuseres på vevsområder rundt lungene.


Lung transfer impedance change due to ventilation possibly depends on age as well as smoking habit of men, a recent study shows. The pilot study further shows the impedance change of upper left position of posterior plane of human thorax is highly effected by age and smoking habit of men.

These are the conclusions made by Humayra Ferdous, in her PhD thesis titled ‘‘Study of Changes in Lung Transfer Impedance due to Ventilation Using Focused Impedance Measurement (FIM) Technique’’.

In the thesis she presented how a statistical model can be developed in order to find out the dependency of age, smoking habit, body mass indices (BMI) on pulmonary impedance change of thorax as she measured the data from different segment of lungs with an especially designed handheld electrode probe.

Other than the pilot studies, the PhD research work, which is technically and financially supported by Department of Physics, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway and Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lanekassen) respectively, is comprised of a comparative study between 8, 6, 4-electrode of  FIM too.

Here, the researchers showed advantages and disadvantages of different configurations of FIM as models were developed employing Comsol Multiphysics (MPH) software programme.

Humayra has been working in lung transfer impedance and FIM technique since early 2008, while pursuing her Master Degree from the Department of Physics of University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh.

It is found that each year thousands of adults and babies around the globe, particularly in Third World including Bangladesh suffer from pulmonary disease, according to various surveys performed by World Health organization (WHO) and International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR’B)

Different tools and techniques such as Electrical Impedance Tomography, X-ray etc. is available to provide useful information to monitor physiological characteristics of lungs. However, due to high installation and maintenance cost, complex circuitries make it very difficult to operate those tools in rural area.

Under this circumstances FIM, a simple, non-invasive and low cost technique can offer a solution in the field of lung disease diagnosis in third world countries. The comparatively new method, FIM, introduced by the Department of Biomedical Physics and Technology of Dhaka University (DU) can be beneficial for early detection of pneumonia, if more research works are carried out using FIM.

In this regard, as a PhD candidate of UiO, Humayra’s contribution in the field of lung transfer impedance change due to ventilation using FIM is assumed to guide and help the future researcher of the similar arena.



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Publisert 17. okt. 2014 13:42 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2014 13:42