Disputas: Håvard Gjersdal

M.Sc. Håvard Gjersdal ved Fysisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: "Test beam track reconstruction and analysis of ATLAS 3D pixel detectors"


Håvard Gjersdal

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Førsteamanuensis Helge Balk



3D-silisiumsensorer er en ny detektorteknologi som har blitt tatt i bruk av ATLAS eksperimentet på CERN. Denne avhandlingen beskriver metoder og resultater fra et karakteriseringseksperiment hvor 3D-pixeldetektorer har blitt plassert i en partikkelstråle for å studere detektorresponsen. Hovedfokuset er på sporrekonstruksjon, detektorkalibrering og dataanalyse.

3D silicon pixel sensors are a new radiation tolerant detector technology that is used in a new 4th layer of pixel detectors very close to the collision point in the ATLAS detector at CERN. Before the sensors were included in the ATLAS detector, rigorous testing was needed. This thesis describes the testing of 3D silicon pixel detectors in a beam of high energy charged particles provided by the CERN accelerator complex, as well as the reconstruction of the particle trajectories used for the analysis.

The performance of ATLAS 3D silicon pixel devices are confirmed to be comparable to the pixel detectors used in the original ATLAS pixel layers. Differences in charge collection behavior between the two types of devices are shown to be as expected. The devices have been studied at different angles of inclination both with and without the presence of a magnetic field.

The test beam experiment uses a tracking detector called a beam telescope to provide information about the trajectories of the particles in the beam for the analysis. The thesis describes the reconstruction process, including pattern recognition, track fitting and detector calibration. New numerical methods for estimation of the amount of material in the detector planes and the spatial resolution of the detector measurements are introduced and tested on both simulated and real test beam data. The method is shown to improve tracking precision in real data.



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Publisert 25. nov. 2014 10:51 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2014 10:51