Disputas: Christopher Hawkins

Master of Physics Christopher Hawkins ved Fysisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: "Non-equilibrium pattern formation in reactive channel flow"


Christopher Hawkins

Tid og sted for prøveforelesning

Se prøveforelesning


  • Professor Eberhard Bodenschatz, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, University of Göttingen, Tyskland
  • Associate Professor Tanguy Le Borgne, Universite de Rennes, Frankrike
  • Professor Joakim Bergli, Universitetet i Oslo

Leder av disputas



The transport of fluid is one of the most important activities undertaken in

the human world. Back to the dawn of civilization where channels were

built to transport water for aggregation through to the modern world

where oil is pumped through an extensive pipe systems which traverses

continents on a global scale. It is an essential part of everyday life, but as

with all endeavors we undertake we encounter problems and difficulties,

many of which we have yet to overcome. Possibly the greatest problem

facing fluid transport is that of pipe clogging. For one of a magnitude of

reasons, solids can deposit upon the walls of a pipe or channel restricting

the space and resisting the flow. Over-time the buildup of such solids

becomes a major obstacle for the flow making the transport more and

more laborious until the entire process is forced to shut down.


In this thesis we study surface growth reactions that take place within

channel flow, leading to many beautiful patterns but also causing

eventual clogging, hindering flow transport. As such this work is a cross

disciplinary project be- tween physics, regarding flows and pattern

formation, and geology of the minerals and particles which solidify within

geological systems. Many of the samples and systems we study will be of

a geological nature, such as the transport of geothermal fluid within

power plants, this is then approached from a physics point of view with

simulations, analysis and theoretical predictions.



For mer informasjon

Kontakt ekspedisjonskontoret:

e-post: ekspedisjon@fys.uio.no

Telefon: 22 85 64 28

Publisert 17. nov. 2015 15:41 - Sist endret 3. jan. 2021 22:28