Geography, geomatics and hydrology rank among top 50 in QS

The Department of Geosciences has been ranked high for two subject areas in the QS World University Rankings for 2015. The research environment in geography, hydrology and geomatics (picture) advanced to 50th place, and the research environment for geology  ranked between 51 and 100 in this international evaluation based on different criteria such as citations and academic reputation.

The research environment in natural geography, hydrology and geomatics is ranked among the best in QS World University Rankings by subject for 2015. Photo: Department of Geosciences

Two research environments at the Department of Geosciences were ranked on the QS World University Rankings by Subject for 2015. The University of Oslo is ranked as #101 among the best universities in the World, and several research environments at the university are ranked among the best in their respective disciplines.

Department of Geosciences has two disciplines included in the natural sciences ranking this year. These are the research team in geography, hydrology and geomatics which advanced to 50th Place in the subject Geography. In addition, the research team in geology is ranked between no. 51 and 100 under the subject Earth & Marine Sciences.

QS World University Rankings measures academic communities for quality of the research (citations per faculty, faculty productivity and impact) and teaching, working and learning environment, degree of internationalization and innovation.

- It's nice to be ranked among the very best of universities in research areas that we are a part in. But such rankings are not a goal in itself, since they are either not transparent with respect to the methodology and conclusions of the ranking. But a good ranking in this year's QS World University Rankings's is always nice to show that we have high quality research environments, says Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle head of the Department of Geosciences.

International research environments

The two research environments in geosciences ranked in the QS are well established with many employees from Norway and abroad, and participates in many international projects, for example in the geography environment; SVALI (NCoE) and ICEMASS (ERC advanced grant) and in the geology environment ; SUCCESS (SFI), DIME (ERC advanced grant) and CEED (CoE) to mention some.

The research communities at the department also participate in many international projects with partners from reputable universities abroad.

The Department of Geosciences has many international students at the graduate level for the two subjects areas with its international master programme: Geosciences (master's two years with six study disciplines.

More information and a full list of 2015 rankings are available on the QS website.

Facts QS (UiOs press release):
  • QS has evaluated 3551 universities and 894 institutions are selected for the ranking.
  • From the 36 subjects areas QS evaluates haa UiO been evaluated on 21 subject areas.
  • The QS-ranking is based on a global reputation evaluation of academic institutions, based on citations, students per academic employees and number of international students and employes.
  • UiO is for 2015 ranked on the top 50 for two subject areas: Communication and Media (40), and Geography (50).
By Gunn Kristin Tjoflot
Published May 13, 2015 12:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 29, 2024 2:53 AM