Internal pages

Internal pages for the emloyees of the Hylleraas Centre

Image may contain: Font, Logo, Brand, Electric blue.

Standard logo: PNG, PDF

Graphical profile

The official Hylleraas logo's, backgrounds and templates can be found here.

Images and photo quality 

It is important to submit good quality photos for use on the website, Facebook, Twitter and not least in the Annual Report. Please follow the instructions found here.

Sigma2 access

Here you find information about how to access and extend your access to the Sigma2 machines, important general guidelines and our policies.

The Hylleraas Seminar

The Hylleraas Seminars alternate between Oslo and Tromsø Fridays 13:15-14:00. The seminars are broadcasted to the other nodes, and it is possible to follow the seminars externally upon request. David Balcells (Oslo) and Bin Gao (Tromsø) are responsible for the seminars. Talks are either 20 minutes or 40 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions, and should follow the Seminar Guidelines. Current and earlier schedules are found here.

Instructions for operating the seminar room (David | March 7, 2022): 1) Once the session had been open by either Bin Gao or David (typically at 1 pm), start the system from the little screen (not the iPad) by taping on the Zoom session button (both projector screens on the wall will automatically unfold down), and, on the same screen, adjust the sound volume level; 2) Login in the Desktop computer with your UiO user account; 3) If the speaker is physically present in the room, load the presentation into the Desktop and open it; 4) In the iPad, tap on Join and introduce the Zoom code and password shared in the announcement made by Bin Gao or David; 5) In the iPad, tap on the unmute/mute button, as needed; 6) The mic is next to the Desktop - release it from the charger and push the power on; 7) In the little screen (not the iPad), select the most convenient camera; 8) If the speaker is in the room, once the presentation is loaded and open in the Desktop, in the iPad tap the share button and follow the instructions: open a browser tab in the Desktop and go the URL instructed from the iPad, enter the Zoom code and password and select the screen to share on the window that will pop up; 9) For passing the slides, there is a digital pointer in the back of the Desktop (use the wireless keyword and mouse otherwise); 10) When done, tidy up everything, close the Zoom session and system (folded screens), and logout from the Desktop; 11) It's easier and more logical than it may seem from this text.

Research Projects

Here you find an overview of research projects associated with the Hylleraas Centre.

Internal routines

Here is the procedure for publishing news and events on the Hylleraas webpages.

Here are internal checklists for UiO.

Published Feb. 12, 2018 1:49 PM - Last modified Mar. 8, 2024 11:16 AM