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The department's awards for 2023

Every year, IBV's own prizes are awarded. This year, seven prizes were awarded at the Department of Biosciences' Christmas dinner.

people celebrating, illustration

Illustration: Unsplash

The Department of Biosciences awards the following prizes: the Award for Best Paper, the HSE Prize, The Golden Laser Pointer, and the Communication of Science Award. In addition, the Attention Prize is passed on from one employee to another.

Outstanding scientific article

This year, a total of three awards were given, and the committee decided to award one first prize and two second prizes for Outstanding Scientific Article.

  • First prize for Outstanding scientific article went to "Mitotic chromosome condensation resets chromatin to safeguard transcriptional homeostasis during
    interphase" with: Lucía Ramos-Alonso, Petter Holland, Stéphanie Le Gras, Xu Zhao, Bernard Jost, Magnar Bjørås, Yves Barral, Jorrit M Enserink, Pierre Chymkowitch.
  • Second prize for Outstanding Scientific Article went to "Hybridization of Atlantic puffins in the Arctic coincides with 20th-century climate change" with:
    Oliver Kersten, Bastiaan Star, Anders K. Krabberød, Lane M. Atmore, Ole K. Tørresen, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Sébastien Descamps, Hallvard Strøm, Ulf S. Johansson, Paul R. Sweet, Kjetill S. Jakobsen, Sanne Boessenkool.
  • Second prize for Outstanding Scientific Article went to "Adaptive protein evolution through length variation of short tandem repeats in Arabidopsis" med: 
    William B. Reinar, Anne Greulich, Ida M. Stø, Jonfinn B. Knutsen, Trond Reitan, Ole K. Tørresen, Sissel Jentoft, Melinka A. Butenko, Kjetill S. Jakobsen.

The HMS award

The HSE prize is awarded annually to a person at IBV who has made a significant contribution to health, environment and safety at the department. The HMS award for 2023 was awarded to Maria Chiara Di Luca.

Chiara Di Luca is Head Engineer at EVOGENE. She has been instrumental and a driving force in the continuous work to establish and reinforce excellence in HSE practice at the EVOGENE section and at the department. Her work has largely contributed to strengthen the understanding and appreciation of sound HSE practice, and knowledge of sound HSE practice, routine and risk-evaluation.

Her continuous work inspires employees to good HSE practice, and her friendly and professional attitude makes her a resource for employees that want to improve their HSE skills. In this spirit, she also engages in social culture and keeps an eye open to ensure that colleagues and students are included and feel confident in their daily practice.

Communication of Science

The Communication of Science Award was granted to Eve Jourdain, for her excellent ability to share research results, and her work on establishing a citizen science program, Norwegian Orca Survey, which covers large parts of the Norwegian coastline.

This citizen science program plays a vital role in providing environmental data and serves as the basis for her scientific research. It is an excellent way of connecting the general public with the ocean, spreading maritime knowledge, assisting organizations like UiO, to communicate their work, and encouraging trust and public support, potentially increasing adherence to marine management policies.

The Norwegian Orca Survey has over 100,000 followers on Facebook, with hundreds actively involved in providing valuable data. In addition, Eve has given interviews and seminars throughout Norway to promote her citizen science project and maritime knowledge. Her seminars draw not only a Norwegian audience but also whale watching enthusiasts from all over the world. This is an excellent example of how charismatic animals like killer whales can capture the public's imagination. Being emotionally connected motivates participation in science and learning about the ocean. Eve is a role model for us all and has already shared her knowledge on setting up a citizen science program with young researchers at AQUA.

The Golden Laser Pointer

The subject committee awards The Golden Laser Pointer to the best lecturer. The students' Golden Laser Pointer went to Ane Krag Brysting.

Anne Krag Brysting has received the award because she is a skilled communicator who is not only committed, but someone who also engages those around her. She is a lecturer who is passionate about teaching biology and makes the subjects exciting and educational.

Anne plays an important role in creating a good and safe learning environment where no one is afraid to share thoughts and opinions regardless of knowledge level. She is welcoming, always in a good mood and shows time and time again that she is a real supporter of the students.

The Attention Award

A walking trophy from employee to employee is also awarded: the Attention Award. The prize is awarded to someone of the opposite sex, in a different department, and preferably in a different job category than the one who awards. The award is passed on to another employee who spreads joy and a good atmosphere in the workplace.

For 2023, the award went on from Pernille Bronken Eidesen to Håvard Kauserud.

Published Dec. 20, 2023 11:22 AM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2024 10:49 AM