November 2020: We present our work at the NETS conference

Digital NETS 2020, the 8th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium, November 4-5.

The Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium is a biannual conference gathering a broad representation of toxicologists within the ecological and environmental field of toxicology. The 8th symposium was supposed to be held in Bergen in April, but was postponed and moved to a digital platform due to covid-19 restrictions.

The main topic and title for this year's symposium was "Ocean Health in the Anthropocene", and although the MULTICLIM is indeed a highly terrestrial project, our presentations were very welcome and we got some much valued feedback as well as being able to do some networking.

Our project leader Katrine had a keynote presentation in the emerging contaminants session, Sagnik presented his experiments with imidacloprid exposure effects on life history traits in Folsomia quadrioculata, and Heidi presented her pilot field experiment on the use of mesocosms toassess the effects on soil communities under field realistic scenarios.




Oslo, 2020-11-20

Published Apr. 17, 2021 7:21 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2021 7:49 PM