Thoughts on Representation, Transformation, and IS Research

The Information System Seminar Series features Andrew Burton-Jones,  Professor of Business Information Systems at the UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia, and the Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly

Image may contain: Tie, Forehead, Chin, Smile, Shirt.


Representation Theory proposes that the basic purpose of an information system (IS) is to faithfully represent certain real-world phenomena, allowing users to reason about these phenomena more cost-effectively than if they were observed directly. Over the past three decades, the theory has underpinned much research on conceptual modeling in IS analysis and design and increasingly research on other IS phenomena such as data quality, system alignment, IS security, and system use. The original theory has also inspired further development of its core premises and advances in methodological guidelines to improve its use and evaluation. Nonetheless, the theory has attracted repeated criticisms regarding its validity, relevance, usefulness, and robustness. Given the burgeoning literature on the theory over time, both positive and negative, the time is ripe for a narrative, developmental review. We review Representation Theory, examine how it has been used, and critically evaluate its contributions and limitations. Based on our findings, we articulate a set of recommendations for improving its application, development, testing, and evaluation.

Seminar Slides 




Published Feb. 4, 2021 3:21 PM - Last modified Mar. 2, 2021 2:08 PM