Automated Reverse Engineering of Malware Binaries

Bildet kan inneholde: hjul, fotografi, hvit, bildekk, motorkjøretøy.

In cybersecurity, analyzing malware binaries is essential in order to understand their threat. Manual reverse engineering has traditionally been the go-to approach, however, given the increase in malware variants, automation in reverse engineering is becoming a necessity. This thesis aims to develop an automated system for reverse engineering malware binaries, which could significantly reduce the time and resources required to analyze malware, and enhance the understanding of malicious code, thereby contributing to improved cybersecurity measures.

This project focuses on all or some of the following:

  • To design and develop an automated system for reverse engineering malware binaries.
  • To evaluate the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of the automated system against traditional manual reverse engineering methods.
  • Identification and selection of appropriate tools and techniques for automation.
  • Designing, building, and optimizing the automated reverse engineering system.
Publisert 9. okt. 2023 14:27 - Sist endret 14. nov. 2023 15:48


Omfang (studiepoeng)