Behavior analysis of emerging malware strains

In an era of continually evolving cybersecurity threats, understanding and mitigating malware is paramount. The behavioral analysis of malware is a key approach to understanding the functionality and impact of new or evolved malware strains on affected systems. This thesis aims to perform a comprehensive behavioral analysis of emerging malware strains, to elucidate their functionalities, propagation methods, and potential mitigation strategies.

This project will focus on all or some of the following tasks:

  • To conduct a detailed behavioral analysis of emerging malware strains.
  • To identify unique behaviors, propagation methods, and evasion techniques employed by these malware strains.
  • To propose mitigation strategies based on the behavioral analysis.
  • Setting up controlled, isolated environments for malware execution.
  • Selection and setup of behavioral analysis tools and frameworks.
  • Execution of malware samples and data collection.

This project is in collaboration with the national police.

Publisert 9. okt. 2023 14:17 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 15:22


Omfang (studiepoeng)