Utilizing Sentiment Analysis and Large Language Models for Identifying and Understanding Disinformation Campaigns


To develop and validate a methodology for detecting and analyzing disinformation campaigns by leveraging sentiment analysis and large language models.

Background and Significance:

  • Problem Statement: Disinformation campaigns manipulate public opinion, affecting democratic processes and social harmony.
  • Gap in Literature: Limited research combining sentiment analysis and language models to systematically identify and analyze disinformation campaigns.
  • Significance: Enhancing the understanding and detection of disinformation, thus contributing to the mitigation of its adverse effects on society.

Research Questions:

  • How effective are sentiment analysis and large language models in identifying disinformation campaigns?
  • What are the characteristic features of the language used in disinformation campaigns, and how do they differ from legitimate information dissemination?

Expected Outcomes:

  • Development of a reliable methodology/framework for disinformation detection.
  • Insights into the linguistic features and sentiment patterns characteristic of disinformation.
  • Enhanced understanding of the limitations and potentials of using sentiment analysis and large language models in this domain.
Publisert 20. okt. 2021 15:28 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 14:35


Omfang (studiepoeng)