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Supporting Aspects in a Planning-based Adaptation Middleware

The purpose of this project is to realize and validate a proposed modular approach for dynamically supporting the integration of cross-cutting concerns (dependability and/or security) into self-adaptive ubiquitous mobile applications. This approach combines the strengths of Planning-based Adaptation Middleware, Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) for leveraging the development of self-adaptive ubiquitous applications. In particular, AOP offers a modular approach for controlling the effects of code tangling and scattering in an architecture and proposes to isolate crosscutting concerns as aspects, which are woven into different parts of the architecture. Thus, what is proposed is to reflect dependability and security concerns as aspects, which can be dynamically woven into the ubiquitous application depending on context changes.

The work will be done in the context of the European project MUSIC using the MUSIC develeopment and run-time platform. The following tasks may be part of the project:

  • modelling of security and denpendability as a Qulaity of Service concern (based on existing proposals)
  • method for modelling "adaptive security" and "adaptive dependability" using aspects (based on dynamic aspect planning)
  • (detailed) design of a case study (example of an application with adaptive security/dependability)
  • implementation and validation in the MUSIC middleware platform based on the case study.

The project is suitable for two students, one focusing on security and one on dependability. The project can also be done by one student focusing either on dependability or security.

There is an opportunity to combine this project with a job as part time scientific programmer in the MUSIC project.




Publisert 14. mars 2011 11:26 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2015 09:10


Omfang (studiepoeng)