In the News

News programs where our Project members have been in the news due to the Project.

Dagsnytt atten / NRK P2 [TV] 2013-02-21 Karbonskatt i Kina. Interview with Vogt, Rolf David.


Radio Nova - Opplysningen 99.3 [Radio] 2013-03-01Er Kinas miljøpolitikk klimafiendtlig? Interview with Vogt, Rolf David.


Uniforum [Avis] 2015-04-24 Kina stoppet norsk-kinesisk miljøkonferanse. Interview with Grethe; Vogt, Rolf David; Kveseth, Kari.


Chinese Social Sciences Today, Dialogue 2014-11-04 Natural, social scientists join hands to save planet. Interview with Rolf David Vogt.

By Rolf D. Vogt
Published Mar. 1, 2013 3:06 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2015 9:48 AM