

Time and place: , Kanazawa, Japan

The fifth international symposium in the series of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC 13) will be held from 22 to 27 September 2013 at Kanazawa, Japan. The first symposium was held in Kumamoto, Japan (1997), and subsequently in Fukuoka, Japan (2001), Beijing, China (2005), and Napa Valley, USA (2009).

Symposium Chairs:

Yuichiro Nagame, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Masayoshi Yamamoto, Kanazawa University

Time and place: , Chemistry building - room VU55

Through a Tokai-Riken-Mainz-Oslo collaboration the automated liquid-liquid extraction system SISAK is being combined with an electrolysis cell developed by the Tokai group for performing redox studies on element 106, seaborgium. The workshop will focus on the theoretical and practical foundations for these experiments, with invited contributions from Prof. J. V. Kratz (Univ. Mainz), Dr. V. Pershina (GSI), and Dr. M. Schädel (Tokai). The talks will provide an unique opportunity to get insight into the fascinating chemistry at the very edge of the Periodic Table. 

Time and place: , Weilrod, Germany