Franz Georg Fuchs

Bilde av Franz Georg Fuchs
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Besøksadresse Moltke Moes vei 35 Niels Henrik Abels hus 0851 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1053 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Akademiske interesser

Mine hovedinteresser er utvikling av effektive algoritmer for kvantedatamaskiner. Jeg arbeider også med kvantefeilkorreksjon.


  • Ph.D. anvendt matematikk, Senter for matematikk for anvendelser, Universitetet i Oslo 2009
  • Diplom=Master, matematikk, Teknisk universitet i München 2006


Orcid, google scholar, SINTEF, LinkedIn

Gemini Center on Quantum Computing


  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Lye, Kjetil Olsen; Nilsen, Halvor Møll; Stasik, Alexander Johannes & Sartor, Giorgio (2022). Constraint Preserving Mixers for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. Algorithms. ISSN 1999-4893. 15(6). doi: 10.3390/a15060202. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Kolden, Herman Øie; Aase, Niels Henrik & Sartor, Giorgio (2021). Efficient Encoding of the Weighted MAX k-CUT on a Quantum Computer Using QAOA. SN Computer Science. ISSN 2662-995X. 2(2). doi: 10.1007/s42979-020-00437-z. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Falch, Vemund & Johnsen, Christian Svingen (2020). Quantum Poker - a game for quantum computers suitable for benchmarking error mitigation techniques on NISQ devices. The European Physical Journal Plus. ISSN 2190-5444. 135. doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-020-00360-5.
  • Tabib, Mandar; Rasheed, Adil & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2017). Analysis of Unsteady Hydrodynamics Related to Vortex Induced Vibrations on Bluff-Bodied Offshore Structure, ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 2: Prof. Carl Martin Larsen and Dr. Owen Oakley Honoring Symposia on CFD and VIV. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). ISSN 978-0-7918-5764-9. doi: 10.1115/OMAE2017-61207.
  • Barth, Andrea & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2017). Uncertainty quantification for linear hyperbolic equations with stochastic process or random field coefficients. Applied Numerical Mathematics. ISSN 0168-9274. 121, s. 38–51. doi: 10.1016/j.apnum.2017.06.009. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tabib, Mandar; Rasheed, Adil & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2016). Analyzing complex wake-terrain interactions and its implications on wind-farm performance. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). ISSN 1742-6588. 753(3). doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/753/3/032063.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Rasheed, Adil; Tabib, Mandar & Fonn, Eivind (2016). Wake modeling in complex terrain using a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Split Solver. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). ISSN 1742-6588. 753(8). doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/753/8/082031.
  • Barth, Andrea & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2016). Uncertainty quantification for hyperbolic conservation laws with flux coefficients given by spatiotemporal random fields. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. ISSN 1064-8275. 38(4), s. A2209–A2231. doi: 10.1137/15M1027723.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Hjelmervik, Jon M. (2016). Interactive Isogeometric Volume Visualization with Pixel-Accurate Geometry. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. ISSN 1077-2626. 22(2), s. 1102–1114. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2015.2430337.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David; Risebro, Nils Henrik & Mishra, Siddhartha (2014). Explicit and implicit finite volume schemes for radiation MHD and the effects of radiation on wave propagation in stratified atmospheres. I Ancona, Fabio; Bressan, Alberto; Marcati, Pierangelo & Marson, Andrea (Red.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems held in Padova, June 25-29, 2012. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Press. ISSN 978-1-60133-017-8. s. 41–59.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David; Mishra, Siddhartha & Waagan, Knut (2011). Simulating waves in the upper solar atmosphere with Surya: a well-balanced high-order finite-volume code. The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). ISSN 0004-637X. 732(2). doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/732/2/75.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David; Mishra, Siddhartha; Risebro, Nils Henrik & Waagan, Knut (2011). Approximate Riemann Solvers and Robust High-Order Finite Volume Schemes for Multi-Dimensional Ideal MHD Equations. Communications in Computational Physics. ISSN 1815-2406. 9(2), s. 324–362. doi: 10.4208/cicp.171109.070510a.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David; Mishra, Siddhartha; Risebro, Nils Henrik & Waagan, Knut (2010). Finite Volume Methods for Wave Propagation in Stratified Magneto-Atmospheres. Communications in Computational Physics. ISSN 1815-2406. 7(3), s. 403–638. doi: 10.4208/cicp.2009.08.154.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David; Mishra, Siddhartha; Risebro, Nils Henrik & Waagan, Knut (2010). High order well-balanced finite volume schemes for simulating wave propagation in stratified magnetic atmospheres. Journal of Computational Physics. ISSN 0021-9991. 229(11), s. 4033–4058. doi: 10.1016/
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David & Mishra, Siddhartha (2009). High-order finite volume schemes for wave propagation in stratified atmospheres. I Tadmor, Eitan; Liu, Jian-Guo & Tzavaras, Athanasios E. (Red.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. American Mathematical Society (AMS). ISSN 978-0-8218-4728-2. s. 575–584.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Mishra, Siddhartha & Risebro, Nils Henrik (2009). Splitting based finite volume schemes for ideal MHD equations. Journal of Computational Physics. ISSN 0021-9991. 228(3), s. 641–660. doi: 10.1016/
  • Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl; Fuchs, Franz Georg; Mishra, Siddhartha & Risebro, Nils Henrik (2009). Stable upwind schemes for the magnetic induction equation. Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique. ISSN 0764-583X. 43(5), s. 825–852. doi: 10.1051/m2an/2009006.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Bassa, Ruben Pariente (2024). Logical X Operations for Constrained Problems.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2024). Introduction to Tensor Networks.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2024). Kvantedatamaskiner og kryptografi.
  • Stasik, Alexander Johannes & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). QUantum reservoir computing.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Sævold, Heidi (2023). Kvantedatamaskin tilgjengelig for europeiske selskaper. [Internett].
  • Bassa, Ruben Pariente & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Hands-On experiments with quantum gates and quantum circuits: QAOA for MaxCut .
  • Bassa, Ruben Pariente & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Exploring the Quantum Landscape in Norway and Advancements in Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Introduction to use cases for optimisation: QAOA.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Ola, Tangen Kulseng (2023). Her tester de løsninger for fremtidens kvantedatamaskiner. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Optimal mixers restricted to subspaces and the stabilizer formalism.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Hamiltonians with time evolution restricted to subspaces.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Avtale på plass: Norske forskere får bruke europeisk kvantedatamaskin. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Quantum Computing: Separating Hype from Realistic Expectations.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2023). Kvantedatamaskiner - Hva er det og hva kan de brukes til?
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Kvantedatamaskiner – er vi nær et paradigmeskifte?
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Why we need research on quantum computing in Norway.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Quantum Computing and the Gemini Center.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). An introduction to quantum error mitigation.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Quantum computing as enabling technology for Norway.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Persson, Aksel Faanes (2022). Podcast Smart forklart. 50. Quantum computing: Fremtidens superraske datamaskiner. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Olsen, Jan Willie (2022). Skal kartlegge kvanteteknologi i Norge. [Internett].
  • Gjøsteen, Kristian; Fuchs, Franz Georg & Engesvik, Sara (2022). Kvantedatamaskiners destruktive potensiale: – Vi må forsikre oss mot at verden ramler sammen . [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Hands-on: Qiskit applied to use cases for optimisation.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Optimisation and variational methods: QAOA/QUBO, VQE, and more.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Variational quantum algorithms: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Constrained mixers for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA).
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2022). Quantum Optimization for Research and Business.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). The disruptive power of quantum computers: Hype or reality?
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). Using quantum computers to solve combinatorial optimization problems.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). The disruptive power of​ quantum computers: Hype or reality?
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). Kvanteteknologi skal gjøre Norge klar for ny datarevolusjon. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). NTNU: First Norwegian centre for quantum technology is being rolled out. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). Kvanteteknologi skal gjøre Norge klar for ny datarevolusjon. [Internett]. NTB kommunikasjon.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Røise, Martin Braathen (2021). Spår trøbbel for norsk næringsliv hvis vi ikke kjapt får kompetanse på denne teknologien. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Øyvann, Stig (2021). Vil bringe Norge inn i kvante-alderen. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2021). NISQ devices: Error mitigation techniques and combinatorial optimization problems.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Leine, Jan Erlend (2021). Kvantemaskinen - den nye teknospranget. [Radio].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2020). Quantum Computing: An introduction.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2020). Error mitigation and the weighted MAX k-CUT on NISQ devices.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2020). When will I get a quantum computer and what can I do with it?
  • Ulla Gjeset, Schjølberg & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). Google hevder deres kvantedatamaskin kan løse oppgave som er umulig for vanlige datamaskiner. [Internett].
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). What is a quantum computer?
  • Caroline, Enge; Fuchs, Franz Georg; Vemund, Falch & Christian, Johnsen (2019). Norske studenter lager spill til «den neste store teknologien»: Kvantedatamaskinen. [Avis]. Aftenposten.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Nilsen, Halvor Møll; Sartor, Giorgio; Remonato, Filippo & Schittny, Robert (2019). The landscape of quantum algorithms.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). Quantum Advantage in the NISQ computing era.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). Quantum computing - possibilities and limitations.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). The second quantum revolution.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). Quantum Computing and Quantum Supremacy.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2019). Quantum Computing and Optimization.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2017). Interactive and Pixel-Accurate Rendering of Locally Refined (LR-)Splines and Isogeometric Volumes.
  • Hjelmervik, Jon M. & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2016). Direct Interactive Visualization of LR- and T-Spline Volumes for Use in Large-Scale Scientific Computing and Isogeometric Analysis.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Rasheed, Adil; Tabib, Mandar & Fonn, Eivind (2016). Wake modeling in complex terrain using a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Split Solver.
  • Hjelmervik, Jon M. & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2015). Interactive Pixel-Accurate Rendering of LR-Splines and T-Splines. Eurographics State of the Art Reports. ISSN 1017-4656. s. 65–68. doi: 10.2312/egsh.20151016.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg & Hjelmervik, Jon M. (2014). Interactive Direct Visualization of Isogeometric CFD Results.
  • Hjelmervik, Jon M.; Fuchs, Franz Georg; Dyken, Erik Christopher & Bjønnes, Erik W (2014). Real-Time Isogeometric Volume Visualization.
  • Hjelmervik, Jon M.; Bjønnes, Erik W; Dyken, Erik Christopher & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2013). Fast Volumetric Visualization of Isogeometric Models.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; Hjelmervik, Jon M.; Dyken, Erik Christopher & Bjønnes, Erik W (2013). Real-Time Pixel-Accurate Isogeometric Volume Visualization.
  • McMurry, Andrew David; Mishra, Siddhartha & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2012). Semi-implicit solutions to Radiation-magnetohydrodynamics.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg; McMurry, Andrew David & Mishra, Siddhartha (2008). High-order finite volume schemes for wave propagation in stratified atmospheres.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2008). Splitting Based Finite Volume Schemes For The Ideal MHD equations.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2006). Operator splitting for the magnetohydrodynamic equations.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2006). Euler's Elastica and Curvature-Based Inpainting.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2006). Euler's Elastica and Curvature-Based Inpainting.
  • Tabib, Mandar; Fuchs, Franz Georg & Rasheed, Adil (2016). Report on wake vortex micro-scale turbulent airflow interaction methodologies. SESAR 12.2.2 Report.
  • Rasheed, Adil; Tabib, Mandar & Fuchs, Franz Georg (2016). Wake Vortex Micro-Scale Turbulence Prototype Development and Sensitivity Studies. SESAR 12.2.2.
  • Fuchs, Franz Georg (2009). Simulating waves in the solar atmosphere with MHD. Unipub forlag. ISSN 1501-7710.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 11. okt. 2023 14:12 - Sist endret 22. des. 2023 09:08