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Disputas: Maksym Brilenkov

Ph.d.-kandidat Maksym Brilenkov, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "From theory to practice: Reproducibility and Open Science in the CMB field" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

portrettbildet av en ung smilende mann
Ph.d.-kandidat Maksym Brilenkov. Foto: ITA/UiO.

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Delta på prøveforelesning - 19. april kl. 12:30 (Rom Geologibygningen GE Aud. 1/ Zoom)

"Exploring the early Universe with LISA"


I løpet av sin doktorgrad har kandidaten studert en rekke kosmologiske problemer, som alle dreier seg om den kosmiske mikrobølgebakgrunnen. Fra et teoretisk perspektiv har han utvidet standard LCDM-modellen ved å inkorporere høyenergetiske nøytrinoer i den, samt. utledet de analytiske uttrykkene for gravitasjonspotensialet i en trigonometrisk representasjon for to distinkte ikke-trivielle topologier i universet. Fra den numeriske siden har han utviklet en felles beregningsinfrastruktur som muliggjør enkel installasjon og distribusjon av verdensledende kode for ende-til-ende Bayesian CMB-analyse kalt Commander3. Kandidaten er samtidig et medlem av det internasjonale samarbeidet kalt BeyondPlanck.


The study of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is a pillar of modern cosmology that enables us to understand the history, the evolution of structures, and the global shape (topology) of the Universe. This thesis addresses various theoretical, numerical, and observational aspects of this field. On the theoretical side, I extended the current cosmological LCDM standard model by accounting for the effect of high-energetic neutrinos, and I have derived analytical expressions for the gravitational potential in a trigonometric representation for two distinct non-trivial topologies of the Universe. On the numerical side, I have, as a member of the BeyondPlanck collaboration, developed a common computational infrastructure that allows easy installation and deployment of the world's leading code for end-to-end Bayesian CMB analysis called Commander3. We have used this code to reprocess the Planck LFI observations, and our new products represent today the world's cleanest maps of the microwave sky between 30 and 70 GHz. While this code was originally designed to perform massive Monte Carlo sampling, I have modified it to also be able to produce traditional frequentist-style simulations, which is useful for code validation and error propagation purposes for a broad range of current and future CMB experiments.

illustration of a scheme with arrows and text
Schematic overview of the BeyondPlanck processing pipeline along with the required input files. Credits: BeyondPlanck collaboration.

Kontaktinformasjon til institutt

Emneord: disputas, Kosmologi
Publisert 31. mars 2023 08:50 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2023 15:25