Successfull evaluation - DEEP continues!

DEEP is recommended for continued funding as a national research school and will run until 15 August 2024.

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The scheme for national research schools (FORSKERSKOLER) was launched in 2008. The purpose of the scheme is to enhance the quality and raise the academic level of PhD education in Norway based on national networks of cooperating institutions.

In 2019 a new evaluation panel was appointed to carry out a mid-term evaluation of the seven research schools, including DEEP, that were awarded funding in the most recent call for proposals, as well as four research schools funded by thematic programmes. The task of the evaluation panel has been to:

1) assess the quality and success of the eleven research schools in relation to their original objectives and plans,

2) provide a recommendation to the Research Council as to whether the funding for the individual research schools should be maintained for the full eight-year period or terminated after five years,

3) advise each school on adjustments for further operation and achievement of goals and

4) contribute to learning and sharing the best practices.

Continued funding was recommended for ten of the eleven schools to cover the full eight-year period, according to the proposed budget.

Overall evaluation of DEEP

DEEP emerges as a well-run research school which has succeeded in assembling the relevant scientific partners in Norway in a smoothly functioning common entity. The candidates appear to be strongly involved also in the planning of activities. The internationalisation aspects are well addressed with a significant international component.

For a summary of the evaluation panel’s findings, you can read the full report.

Published Aug. 13, 2020 12:16 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2022 2:53 PM