DEEP - gathering at the EGU

Since many of us will go to the EGU in week 15 there is a golden opportunity for DEEP members, associates and collaborators to meet and get to know each other.

Photo: AnnHitchcock, IPTC Photo Metadata

You are invited to join our casual gathering of the Norwegian Research School for Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets (DEEP) network during EGU. Meet us at "Zur Alten Kaisermühle" for a drink and some food on Wednesday 10 April after 19:00.

If you will be in Wien and able to join us, please sign up using this doodle:

Zur Alten Kaisermühle is a charming and charismatic restaurant and beer garden run since 1893:

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

Published Apr. 4, 2019 3:25 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2019 3:25 PM