Upcoming calls for DEEP grants

DEEP offers PhD student members travel and research grants for activities that are relevant for your PhD. In addition, we offer the possibility to establish small courses through the Courses-on-Demand grants. 

DEEP Courses-on-Demand

A Course-on-Demand can be anything from a one day event to learn about a specific Python package to a two week field course abroad to get to know a specific area. It can be a lab, field or method course. The idea is that a group of PhD students (minimum 2) apply for getting the course they need arranged quickly. We fund courses or workshops that the PhD students cannot get easy access to at their home university and therefor aim to make their training more efficient. 

Upcoming application deadlines: 15 August and 15 November

Find more information and apply for a DEEP Course-on-Demand

DEEP travel and research grants

PhD student members have the opportunity to apply for travel and research grants. The grants can cover costs for activities not arranged by DEEP that are relevant for your PhD.

We can cover up to 30 000 NOK for 

  • field, analyses and laboratory work
  • shorter research stays of up to one month
  • participation at specialized courses or workshops 

Upcoming application deadline: 15 October 2020

Find more information and apply for a travel or research grant

Published June 30, 2020 10:04 AM - Last modified June 30, 2020 10:23 AM