The Kristine Bonnevie lectures 2014: Digging for genes that affect behavior

The author, philosopher and biologist Massimo Pigliucci will give a lecture on: "The relationship between science and philosophy". Hopi Hoekstra from Harvard University will tell us about: "Digging for genes that affect behavior". The Kristine Bonnevie lectures on evolutionary biology is part of the University’s annual celebration.


10.15-10.25: Opening remarks

Ole Petter Ottersen, Rector, University of Oslo

10.25-10.55: On the relationship between science and philosophy
Massimo Pigliucci, The City College of New York

10.55-11.40: The Kristine Bonnevie lecture on evolutionary biology:
Digging for genes that affect behavior
Hopi Hoekstra, Harvard University

Abstract: Understanding which genes affect important behaviors, and how they work in the brain, remains a major challenge in biology. To address this goal, we are capitalizing on natural variation in behavior within and between species of deer mice (genus Peromyscus). In this talk, I will focus on an innate behavior – burrowing, an intriguing and complex animal architecture – to explore the genetics and neurobiology of behavioral evolution in wild animals.

11.40-12.00: Debate and closing remarks
Nils Chr. Stenseth, Chair of CEES

Published Sep. 4, 2013 4:24 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2022 2:43 PM