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Publisert 9. apr. 2019 16:19

Wien 8. april: European Geosciences Union (EGU) overrakte professor Andreas Max Kääb, Institutt for geofag, hedersbevisningen "Louis Agassiz Medal" for 2019. Utmerkelsen tildeles forskningsinnsats som er "outstanding", og begrunnelsen fra EGU taler for seg selv.

Publisert 6. feb. 2019 16:22

Ein ny rapport frå Norsk klimaservicesenter der forskarar frå Institutt for geofag har bidratt, viser at øygruppa Svalbard vert varma opp.  Fortset dei høge globale utsleppa av klimagassar, kan gjennomsnittstemperaturen gå frå 8-9 minusgrader til 1-2 plussgrader. Det har innverknad på kryosfæren.

Publisert 3. jan. 2019 13:21

De to tverrfaglige forskergruppene EarthFlows og LATICE får forlengelse som endringsmiljø ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, UiO. Med forlengelsen følger det med tre ph.d. stillinger til hvert forskningsmiljø frem til 2022.

Published Dec. 19, 2018 9:28 AM

The American Geophysical Union has had recently its fall meeting, 10-14. December in Washington DC. Researcher in geomatics and remote sensing, Bas Altena was here presenting his research on circulation patterns of icebergs in an icy fjord of Greenland. This is the first presentation of ongoing research conducted in the project ICEFLOW.

Published Sep. 24, 2018 12:15 PM

The UiO Hive team helt 18 of September a kick off meeting (Workshop) for the UiO eInfrastructure hub Hive at Åpen Sonen, IFI. The goal for UiO Hive is to establish a hub around which participants can collaborate on this interdisciplinary project, where students can find fruitful projects topics and support to realize projects bridging across disciplines.

Published July 17, 2018 12:40 PM

A freshly graduated PhD in geomatics from the University of Oslo, Bas Altena, have been granted a postdoc grant from the European Space Agency's (ESA) Living Planet Fellowship program. With this fellowship he will explore new ways to exploit satellite data from the Copernicus program in combination with other satellites to help understand fast changes in the cryosphere.

Published Dec. 1, 2017 3:04 PM

Glaciers are in constant motion forward, but now and then some of them have very fast movements forward - a surge - and loose much of its ice mass in the front. Scientists try to understand the physics and the icemass loss in these movements. Four of University of Oslo's experts in glaciology and remote sensing at Department of Geosciences are now interviewed in an article in the scientific journal Science about claciers and surging events. 

Published Oct. 26, 2017 12:34 PM

Southern Norway has been hit several times by exceptionally heavy rain and following flooding in October 2017. The cloud cover during such rain events makes it difficult to get an overview over the flooded areas from air and space. But the new European Sentinel 1A and 1B radar satellites can look through the clouds, and give an accurate and timely overview over the affected areas