LATICE evapotranspiration study is on Titan

LATICE PhD student Astrid Vatne and researcher Ane Vollsnes' study on evapotranspiration is highlighted on Titan.

Image may contain: Flowerpot, Hair, Plant, Flower, Flowerpot.

Ane Vollsnes and Astrid Vatne are following the development of the plants in the Phytotron at the University of Oslo. Photo: Eivind Torgersen / UiO

As a part of her PhD studies, Astrid is working on evapotranspiration to better understand changes in the water cycle. She has been conducting experiments at the Phytotron (Plant Laboratory) with help from researcher Ane V. Vollsness. Ane and Astrid have planted hundreds of dwarf birch and followed their water consumption. In warmer climates, dwarf birch make choices that feedback to the climate. They hold on to the water when the air is dry even if there is enough water in the soil. Their measurements showed that plants are not passively receiving the effects of climate change.

Read the full story on Titan (in Norwegian).

Published May 30, 2022 10:02 PM - Last modified May 30, 2022 10:14 PM