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Seminars and other events - Page 2

Time and place: , Audotorium 4, Eilert Sundts hus

ChatGPT or traditional writing, what do you choose?

Time and place: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

Get to know the job seeker process from A to Z

Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket

Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi kunngjør årets vinner av Abelprisen! Få med deg spenningen, reaksjonene og sendingen fra DNVA på storskjem i Realfagsbiblioteket!

Time and place: , Department of Biosciences

Dear 4th semester master students!


You have to finish your Master thesis, and need final support and inspiration? This session will help!

This is the fourth of a seminar series for Geoscience master students given by the Department of Geosciences and the Science Library. The series run parallel with your master studies over the course of four semesters.

Please register below before the deadline 15.03.2024 Friday by noon.


Time and place: , University Square

Take a break from studying and join us for an exciting Easter egg hunt in the heart of Oslo!

Time and place: , Department of Geosciences

Dear 4th semester master students!


You have to finish your Master thesis, and need final support and inspiration? This session will help!

This is the fourth of a seminar series for Geoscience master students given by the Department of Geosciences and the Science Library. The series run parallel with your master studies over the course of four semesters.

Please register below before the deadline 11.03.2024 Monday by midnight.


Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Smør kakeformen og rull ut fondanten – årets søteste og mest nerdete kakebakekonkurranse er tilbake. Du kan bake alene, utfordre erkefienden til en bake-off eller dra med deg hele kollokviegruppa. Konkurransen blir som vanlig skarp, så saumfar pinterest for inspo og legg deg i hardtrening allerede nå.

Time and place: , Elektronisk klasserom, Georg Sverdrups hus

Er det vanskelig å finne tid til å skrive? Akademisk skrivesenter arrangerer felles, strukturert skrivetid for stipendiater og postdoktorer etter modellen "Shut up & write".

Time and place: , Science library, Vilhelm Bjerknes house

by Mark Richards, Professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus: Sverdrup eatery

Bring a dish or snack from your home country to share, and get a taste of different cuisines from around the world!

Time and place: , Geologibygningen, Blindern

Welcome to all students at the Department of Geosciences to the Geoscience Career Day on Thursday 22 February! The program for the day is now ready.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Er det vanskelig å finne tid til å skrive? Akademisk skrivesenter arrangerer felles, strukturert skrivetid for stipendiater og postdoktorer etter modellen "Shut up & write".

Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til årets første GeoOnsdag. Denne gangen får vi foredrag fra forskningsleder i Stiftelsen NORSAR, Volker Oye, om seismisk overvåkning. 

Time and place: , Seminarrom 12, P.A. Munchs hus

Representant fra UC Berkeley besøker Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet og Det humanistiske fakultet for å fortelle om hva det vil si å være utvekslingsstudent på Berkeley. 

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

Knutepunktet invites you to an orientation meeting for international students about part-time work in Norway.

Please note that the meeting will start 2.15 pm, and will take place in Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus. 

Time and place: , Athletica Domus

Take a break from studying and join us for Sports Day!

Time and place: , Science library, Vilhelm Bjerknes house

by Nicholas (Nick) Arndt, Emeritus Professor ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes

Time and place: , MN studieinfo

Har du spørsmål om utveksling? Kom innom oss i MN studieinfo!

Time and place: , Sognsvann metro station

Legend has it that Norwegians are born with skis on their feet. Do you want to learn how to ski?

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Er det vanskelig å finne tid til å skrive? Akademisk skrivesenter arrangerer felles, strukturert skrivetid for stipendiater og postdoktorer etter modellen "Shut up & write".

Time and place: , Helga Engs hus, Auditorium 1

Team up, solve the clues, and find the culprit: Join us on a murder mystery event!

Time and place: , Historical Museum

Join a guided tour of the Historical Museum's Viking exhibition and become acquainted with Viking war culture, their journeys, and how society changed during the Viking era.

Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Velkommen til vår årlige julegrantenning med julestemningsgaranti. 



Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Er det vanskelig å finne tid til å skrive? Akademisk skrivesenter arrangerer felles, strukturert skrivetid for stipendiater og postdoktorer etter modellen "Shut up & write".