Best Master Thesis Presentation Award of IMBRSea Class 2020!

We congratulate our current research assistant and former exchange Master student of the Borgå group, Anjali Gopakumar. She recently won an award for the best Master Thesis Presentation of her EMJMD International Master in Marine Biology (IMBRSea) Class of 2020!

Anjali during her theses defense
Anjali defending her thesis
From left to right: Julia Giebichenstein (supervisor), Anjali Gopakumar, Katrine Borgå (supervisor)
Anjali with her supervisors (from left to right: Julia Giebichenstein, Anjali Gopakumar, Katrine Borgå)

Anjali worked on the topic "Mercury Accumulation in fishes from North- East and North-West Barents Sea during the polar night" between January and June 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Katrine Borgå and Julia Giebichenstein at the University of Oslo. She quantified mercury levels of fishes collected during the cold and dark polar night in the Arctic, and found significant interspecific and spatial differences in mercury, emphasizing the need for further studies and comparisons.

Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, Anjali defended her Master thesis from her home office on 15th June 2020, and despite the struggles that accompanied the Covid-19 lockdown, Anjali did an outstanding job!

Currently, Anjali is working as a research assistant at the University of Oslo, writing her Master thesis into a manuscript to be submitted later this year.

Anjali's award-winning presentation is available on youtube:

By Anjali Gopakumar
Published Sep. 14, 2020 5:33 PM - Last modified Sep. 14, 2020 5:43 PM