NETS meeting

Our research group attended the Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium (NETS) conference earlier this month, and the group was represented in several sections of the meeting!

Image may contain: Text, Font, Ocean, Sky, Water resources.

Katrine had the keynote in the emerging contaminants session, giving an update on the results and progress in the Anthrotox project. The focus of the talk was E-waste as a source to contaminants in a growing economy, Tanzania: combining natural and social science


In addition, the presentations of our group included a wide range of topics:

  • Variability of mercury in fishes in the Barents Sea during the polar night (Anjali Gopakumar)
  • How does a widely used neonicotinoid affect the soil fauna under natural field conditions? (Heidi Sjursen Konestabo)
  • Spatial trends of chlorinated paraffins and dechloranes in soil and air from Tanzania (Maja Nipen)
  • Legacy and emerging contaminants in relation to ecological niche in two urban herring gull colonies (Helene Skjeie Thorstensen)
  • Sublethal toxicity of imidacloprid to the widely-distributed springtail folsomia quadriculata (Sagnik Sengupta)
  • Drivers of copper sensitivity in copepods – a meta-analysis of LC50s (Jan Heuschele)


The meeting was supposed to be held in Bergen in April, but as a result of the corona situation it was delayed, and carried out as a digital meeting in November. Even though we missed the social side of the conference, it was nice to catch up with other research in the field, and to share our own work. The meeting also provided a platform for social interaction, making it easier to discuss with other attendees.

The meeting included a virtual meeting space, which gave the feeling of playing a game. Features included discussing with colleagues in the bar, attending the poster session and even playing a game of tetris




By Helene Skjeie Thorstensen
Published Nov. 17, 2020 12:54 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2020 12:54 PM