Symposium: Sustainable Health for the Future

This international symposium will focus on selected current concepts, challenges and methodologies in Infection Biology and Biomedicine.

Detailed programme (pdf)

Our ambition is to offer a unique opportunity for scientists at all levels to discuss the latest topics in these rapidly emerging fields. The keynote symposium speakers are international leaders and pioneers in their subject areas and, together with young scientists, they offer a broad and exciting program. 
Infection biology and biomedicine are prime examples of research fields in swift development, not the least because of integrated approaches and multidisciplinary interactions between different segments of the life sciences. The “Sustainable Health for the Future” symposium will thus promote a convergent approach to be considered as a blueprint for research and innovation ahead. In the long run, the goals are to be able to prevent infections and to slow down the progress of neurodegeneration and delay or even prevent their onset.

“Sustainable Health for the Future” symposium is organized by the Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo, representing the Genome Dynamics (GD) group and the National Graduate School in Infection Biology and Antimicrobials (IBA) and supported by the Turning the Tide of Antimicrobial resistance (TTA) initiative.

See the detailed program (pdf) and please register as lunch will be served and seating is limited.


  • Prof. Arne Klungland, OUS / University of Oslo
  • Lene Juel Rasmussen, Director - Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Dr. Meryl S. Lillenes, Oslo University Hospital
  • Prof. Sigrun Halvorsen, OUS / University of Oslo
  • Dr. Gard O.S. Thomassen, University Centre for Information Technology, UiO
  • Prof. Jeremy P. Derrick, University of Manchester, UK
  • Prof. Sven Bergström, University of Umeå, Sweden
  • Marta Gómez-Muñoz, PhD Cand, University of Oslo
  • Dr. Mariagrazia Pizza, GSK, Italy
  • Tahira Riaz, PhD Cand, University of Oslo
  • Prof. Michael Koomey, University of Oslo

Summary of the topics

  • Epigenetic and epitranscriptomic modifications; future biomarkers and drug targets (Arne Klungland)
  • No-Age – experiences from the last decade (Lene Juel Rasmussen)
  • From Genome Dynamics in Alzheimer's disease to Turning the Tide of Antimicrobial resistance (Meryl S. Lillenes)
  • How novel oral anticoagulants have conquered the rat poison warfarin (Sigrun Halvorsen)
  • Services for sensitive data” - a role in digitizing medical research (Gard O.S. Thomassen)
  • Integral outer membrane proteins - variations on a theme (Jeremy P. Derrick)
  • Biology of Old World Relapsing fever Borrelia; mechanism of attachment and erythrocyte rosetting (Sven Bergström)
  • Transcriptional responses to stress in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Marta Gómez-Muñoz)
  • New meningococcal vaccines: tricking the unbeatable - innovating life-saving vaccines (Mariagrazia Pizza)
  • Proteomics of selected microbes and man (Tahira Riaz)
  • Pathogen evolution: Lessons from the genus Neisseria (Michael Koomey)
Published Sep. 11, 2018 2:23 PM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2018 5:29 PM