Molecular Genetics Lab

Infrastructure for Molecular Genetics Research

Laboratory infrastructure

- Facilities for experimental work with nucleic acids, cloning

- PCR machines for single tubes, strips and 96-well plates

- Electrophoresis and nucleic acid imaging (GelDoc)

- Satisfying HSE requirements for work with GMM level 2


The aim of the Molecular Genetics lab is to provide facilities for research on Molecular Genetics at UiO.

How to get access?


Access will be granted to staff, guests and students at UiO who requires the use of infrastructure within the lab


- Contact laboratory responsible

- Discuss your work

- Update risk assessment if necessary

- Mandatory introduction course

- Mandatory introduction training

HSE in the Molecular Genetics Lab

The facility´s HSE work and rules are defined by general UiO and IBV procedures

HSE working with safety group GMO