

Tid og sted: , Vitensenteret Arendal

Den enorme satsingen og utviklingen innen kunstig intelligens tvinger fram en diskusjon om miljøbelastningen. 


Tid og sted: , Informatics library

Professor Dag Trygve Eckhoff Wisland (NANO) wil present a seminar on the topic The path to battery-less, self-powered wireless IoT nodes.

Tid og sted: , informatics library

Michael Kirkedal Thomsen, Research Group for Programming Technology, and Maja Hanne Kirkeby, Roskilde University, Denmark, will present a seminar on the topic Measuring Energy Usage in Software and IT Systems: How We Can Help Future Programmers

Tid og sted: , Informatics library

Associate Professor Katja Maria Hydle (DIN) will present The Centre for the study of innovation policy for industrial transformation, sustainability and digitalization, INTRANSIT.