Manifesting change - Exploring opportunities by revisiting everyday technologies

This project aims to probe the decisions already taken in developing the most efficient, cheapest, quickest items and instead asks what if we as designers used other criteria to make those decisions. What if designers really explored the technologies and processes involved in manufacture of goods as a design material. What then? Maybe some of these alternatives might also be less polluting, produced more locally of more locally appropriate materials and still be appropriate to their tasks. Could this lead to more mindful manufacture and more considered consumption?

Investigations so far explore alternate power sources. What if we utilized household compost or the processes of living plants to generate small sources of power. Others have explored speakers to see how they might be woven into materials or objects or created from RFID tags.

But the opportunities are wide and might include investigating alternate forms of sensors, possibly using biological aspects, creating electrical circuits using salt water or organic materials such as slime mold, or exploring electroluminescent displays. There are purposefully many entry points to the project.

The outputs are seen as explorations, objects and suggestions that sensitize people to “other” formats of technology and engagement and to provoke refections on our current methods.

Look over the site to see further explorations and info (still very much a work in progress!)





Emneord: sustainability, biomimicry, transition design
Publisert 5. okt. 2022 14:42 - Sist endret 5. okt. 2022 14:42


Omfang (studiepoeng)