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5G Threat and Risk Modelling

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5G networks have introduced a paradigm shift in the architecture of mobile networks with SBA (Service Based Architectures). In addition, the paradigm of virtualization of network functions and MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing) (with the support of SDN (Software Defined Networks)) bring new problems and challenges in terms of security - this is due to the fact of increasing attack surface resulting from the softwarization and programmability of network functions. The security implications of SBA in 5G are different than in previous mobile network generations. For performing threat modelling and risk assessment for 5G networks, there are numerous threat modelling methods, however, the complex nature of 5G makes it necessary to look at new approaches.

This project focuses on investigating approaches for conducting threat modelling and identifying risks related to 5G networks.


This master's project is in collaboration with the the Raksha project coordinated by SINTEF.

Publisert 9. okt. 2023 14:57 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2023 07:29



  • Yaska Adam Mualin

Omfang (studiepoeng)